Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dinner for One: Breaded Portobello Strips

I have been trying to improve my eating habits when I am alone.  I tend to just eat veggie burgers or some other one player food.  I need to start taking better care of myself because I am often alone.

Today I decided that I was going to make myself dinner.  I got some portobello mushroom caps and picked some okra from my garden.

Breaded Portobello Strips

1 large portobello mushroom cap
1 cup of flour
4 tablespoons of bar b que sauce
2 tablespoons of water

1 tablespoon of corn meal
1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon of oil
2 teaspoons of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of hot sauce

Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Slice the mushroom cap into three slices.  In a bowl, marinate the mushrooms in the bar b que sauce.  Let marinate for about 15 minutes flipping every 5 minutes.

In another bowl, combine the flour, corn meal, salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast.  Once the mushrooms are marinated, removed them from the bar b que sauce.  Add the water and hot sauce to the bar b que and mix well.  This will be very runny.  Add a tablespoon of the flour mixture to the bar b que mixture and stir well.  This will thicken the bar b que sauce.

Pour the oil in a baking dish.  Take each slice of the mushrooms and gently roll into the bar b que sauce and then lightly roll in the flour.  Place the mushrooms in the oil and bake for 15 minutes.  Then flip, and broil on 500 degrees for about 6 minutes.  The mushrooms should be a golden brown.

I laid my mushrooms on a bed of raw kale and fried freash (from my garden) orka.  I made a Basil Mustard Dressing with fresh basil from my garden to go over the top of the mushrooms.  I also made a few pickles but I will discuss those later.

It was complimented with a large glass of apple cider fresh from the Georgia orchards over the weekend.  I can not get enough apple cider!


  1. Oh my that dish looks super delish. good job!

    Also if you are interested my lasagna recipe is in my recipe file under pasta, just scroll all the way down to get the recipe...let me know if you like it.

  2. What a gorgeous meal. I know what you mean about cooking for one...when I cook for a solo dinner...I usually end up eating a big salad with pasta and beans and the kitchen sink thrown in...nothing nearly as elegant as what you've done here.

  3. I'm working on treating myself better foodwise when I'm alone too. I always eat something convenient and it's never really healthy...and I wonder why I'm sluggish all the time. It's hard to motivate to cook well for just yourself; even when you know yoru food is better than anything packaged you can buy. Living in ATL I bet you have a lot of options to eat out. My husband works a different schedule than I do so I feel you!

  4. mmm. we have had some delicious portabello dishes at restaurants before... it looks good. as does the aparagus pasta dish :)

    you may want to review complimentary/complementary usages.

    but lest you become discouraged, check out these cakes so you can see your own genius in comparison to cake decorators... :P

    :) ame

  5. Mmm I'm drinking some local cider right now! But I wish I had one of those awesome portobello strips to go with it--super yummy looking!

  6. I've never been a fan of mushrooms. But yours looks delicious!!!!

  7. Wow! Impressive dish! I just love okra. They are nicely combined here with the mushrooms! Nice! That would be a perfect lunch!
