Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day Two; dam oasis

Day Two.

Our first full day had the three of us checking out of the resort and heading to the grocery store to get some road trip items.  Then, my mum, my brother and I headed to our first stop of the trip, Hoover Dam.  The human made sights are not my thing but it was something both Ben and my mum wanted to see so it was on the list.  This was going to be a trip filled with adventure and compromise.

There was an interesting museum at the dam that discussed the advocates and adversaries of the dam when it was being created.  This was the aspect of the dam that interested me the most.  It was also a fun day to spend with the family.  I have not seen them in nearly a year.

After the dam, we took the long drive to Flagstaff AZ for dinner and lodging.  My mother has a bad back which limited our ability to hike as a group and required us to make sure we had a bed to sleep in each night.  This was the first of many long drives through the desert.  I napped.

Once were acquired lodging in Flagstaff, we went out to dinner at Mountain Oasis.  This was a quaint restaurant with many vegan options.  Ben and I split an order of Shiitake Spring Rolls.  They seemed a bit light on mushroom and the skins were slightly tougher than then should have been but I was still pleased.  I order a tempeh corn chowder with a vegan sourdough roll as well as the Mountain Oasis Thai Dish.  The noodle dish was good and filling.  The bread was delicious but the tempeh corn chowder was the best dish on the table.  I even asked for an additional bowl to eat in the morning.

I think we would have all agreed, this was one of the best meals on the trip.


  1. it looks like you all had so much fun and the food looked lovely.

  2. Visiting the dam sounds cool--I'm into learning about energy sources whenever I travel. Dams kinda suck, but they sure are a marvel!

    The food looks delish, especially that chowder!

  3. I didn't know they had a museum there.

    Isn't it so nice when traveling to find a restaurant that not only serves vegan food but when it tastes so darn good. Your meal sounds so wonderful.
