Monday, September 13, 2010

Day Four; larry, bryce, and the garden house

Day Four.

This was my favorite day of the trip.  The family and I woke up in Kanab Utah and were headed out to Bryce Canyon National Park.  As we were driving around the small town to find some water when we passed a place called Laid-Back Larry's.  It was a small little natural food store / cafe.  I got some vegan waffles with soy yogurt and fruit.  Both my mum and I each got a smoothie as well.  It was a hidden gem.

On way to Bryce, we stopped to get gas to find a small farmers market in the gas station parking lot.  Of course we all had to glace over their wares.  I found a treasure!  This little loaf of vegan bread was great for my sandwiches at lunch.

Soon, we were on our way to Bryce.  The drive was nice, especially as we drove through the red canyon.  We arrived in Bryce around noon and decided that we would split up after lunch.  My mum rode a mule into the canyon while Ben and I did a short 3 mile hike into the canyon.  It was a relatively easy hike but amazing scenery.  We got to walk through a place called "wall street" where massive tree grow out of the red rocks.

Bryce was one of the best national parks I have been too.  I will go back and do more at some point but I got a very good taste of what it has to offer.  The large rock towers, called hoo-doos were very awesome.  In our goofiness, my brother and I were naming them as we walked past.  I took so many pictures that my camera was dead by the time we hit the hotel in Cedar City Utah later that same night.

Once we checked into the hotel, we found a place called Garden House.  This was a rather upscale place for such a rural town.  I had a "zesty" pasta with mixed vegetables.  It was decent but the service was a bit lacking.  It was still nice to have another hot meal on a trip I did not expect to get many.


  1. Thank you for visiting Kane County, UT! We are glad you enjoyed your visit.
    From all of us here at the Kane County Office of Tourism,
    Happy Trails

  2. Bryce looks **beautiful**!!! And that smoothie looks like a perfect way to beat the heat I'm sure you guys had.
