Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day Eight; relaxation, and Fator

Day Eight.

The final day of the trip was a day of relaxation that both my mum and brother had requested.  We went souvenir shopping, swimming at the resort pool, and headed to the casino.  Once again, I walked away from the gambling table with some second hand smoke and the same money I began with.

My mum on the other hand was the big winner.  It would be her time to pay for dinner.  We had plans to eat at another very vegetarian / vegan friendly place but I botched it up with some misguided internet based information.

After scrambling to find food on the trip at the last minuted I ended up getting a nice soup and salad at a moderately vegetarian friendly chain restaurant.  Then, we were headed off to a Las Vegas show.  I kept an open mind and had an entertaining time.

My mum has always wanted to see Terry Fator.  The day before, we surprised her with three good tickets.  Terry Fator is a singing ventriloquist, sadly I knew very few of his songs.  It was still impressive that he was able to pull it all off.

After the show we walked around the strip and watched the water show.  I could appreciated my brother's excitement, when I was in my early 20's I loved the city life too.  Now, I would much prefer to spend my time with a bottle of water in the desert enjoying the 124 degrees.

It turned out to be a vacations filled with amazing sights and quality family time.  I often wish my sister was there as well.  As a new mom herself, she does not have much of the time for these types of vacations.  In fact, she just told me the she in now pregnant with another child, this time a girl.  Congratulations Cait, I know this is what you want.


  1. I love Terry Fator...I have 2 of his Las Vegas shows taped on my T.V. My grand-daughters love to watch him...he would be a great performer to see in person...Yeah!

  2. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your blog is interesting too; you have some wonderful recipes I'll be back to make, for sure!

  3. "Once again, I walked away from the gambling table with some second hand smoke and the same money I began with."

    HAHAHA that would be me..i love vegas but i do nothing that you are "supposed" to do there:)

    my mom likes terry fator also, would you do it again? i have been thinking of doing the same for my mom.
