Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stuffed Cherries!

Along with the Three Bean and Cherry Salad, I made a quick dessert.  I made a stuffed cherry of sorts.

Stuffed Cherries

15 cherries
3/4 cup of cherries (finely chopped)
3/4 cup of confectionery sugar
1/4 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of vegan cream cheese
1 tablespoon of corn starch
1 teaspoon of vanilla

Take all the ingredients other than the 15 cherries an heat on low until the become a liquid.  This should take about 15-20 minutes.  Stir frequently to avoid burning.  The mixture should be a thick dark purple color.  Once the mixture is done, put in the freezer for 15 minutes and it should thicken up pretty well.

In the meantime, take 15 cherries, cut in half and remove the pits.  Once the filling in cool in the freezer, begin to spoon it into the cherry halves and chill for 15 minutes.

It turned out to be a great potluck and there was many great dishes!  I am looking forward to the next.  Once I actually get a dinner table, I may try and host my own!


  1. I love cherries but I am very highly allergic to corn I may have to pass this recipe by...but it sure looks fabulous...I bet it was very good.

  2. This cherry potluck sounds like fun...great and versatile theme!

  3. I love cherries and am drooling over these stuffed cherries :-)

  4. Looks creative and refreshing -love cherries.

  5. I would never have thought of stuffing cherries. Great idea!

  6. Stuffed cherries?! oh heavenly goodness! These look divine :)

    Portland was so amazing, we went back a 2nd time! That post is a ways off, but I've fallen in love with Maine. Now to find a job or another excuse to move there!
