Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy 101 Award

The Spooky Vegan issued me an award.  These awards can be a lot of fun and this one is unique.  I get to list 10 things that make me happy.  It is the Happy 101 Award!  Without further ado and in no particular order, the list!

1.) Days off from my jobby job.
2.) Being outside.
3.) Tato and all the other non-human animals in my life.
4.) The few people in my life that are close to me.
5.) Looking at houses.
6.) Blogging.
7.) Photography.
8.) Basketball.
9.) Traveling.

Now for 10 blogs that I enjoy.  I did this recently with the sunshine award but I will do it again and mix it up a bit.

1.) Bittersweet (of course I have to include this amazing blog.  One of my favorites)
2.) Could it be...SEITAN? (great blog with some great recipes)
3.) Dandelion (great photos, great posts and great comments!)
4.) The Kuntrageous Vegan (i recently started reading this but it is great with awesome pictures)
5.) Dreamin' It Vegan (fun ideas and some great wildlife pictures recently)
6.) Eating Appalachia (used to be cupcake punk, same great blogger)
7.) Nuestra Cena-Vegan American & Latin Cuisine (Millie is great, enough said)
8.) Seitan is my Motor (always filled with inspiration)
9.) Two Vegan Boys Weblog (sometimes I feel like a part of the family)
10.) Vegan Mouse (last but not least, she is wonderful)


  1. Aw shucks! Thanks Vic. We love your blog. It is one of my favorites. And if you ever make it to Texas, you are always welcome to dinner at our house.

    By the way, I thought of you the other day when I heard Shaq was signed to the Celtics. Ugh.

    Have a great weekend.

    Krys and the boys

  2. Hi Vic,

    Thanks so much for this fun award! I've been reading your blog for a while and have really enjoyed reading about your house, your travels, other adventures, and of course the wonderful food you make!

  3. Congratulations on your Happy 101 Award Vic.

    Can you come on over to A2K - you are going to be the recipient of my 'Pay It Forward' from Scotland.

  4. thank you so much for the award. I am honored.

    concerning the note you left me on my blog...I am puzzled. This is what you wrote....

    "WoW! I am glad to hear you are not feeling better. That is very hood news."

    Are you happy I feel better or not????

  5. Great happy list! & thanks for the award :)

  6. Yay! This is awesome :) Your blog is one of my favorites to read. Thank you so much for the award. I'll let you know next time I'm in's pretty close!

  7. Thank you so much, it's an honor! ;) I really am flattered you would have though of me, and you certainly deserve this one yourself, too.

  8. jsut got it again...
