Friday, July 30, 2010


After a week of garden neglect due to vacationing, my veggies were in sad shape.  Over the last week, I have casually been paying more attention to them and it has been rewarding.

I noted the first major veggie from my new house!  It is a bell pepper.  I think this one will grow to be orange once it is full grown.

Also, late in the season, I planted some okra.  I have never grown okra before but I hear they are very resilient.  They were somewhat withered when I got back but after several days of watering, they sprung back to life and even showed their appreciation by offering me my first home grown okra!  I will give it another day or so to get full grown but this rocks!  I am not sure what I will do with one lone okra but we will see.

Next summer I hope to have more time and dedication to a large space and hopefully, I will not lose all of my herbs to the bunnies.

1 comment:

  1. love the garden pics. i'm getting ready to leave on vaca today and i fear what my poor garden will look like when i get back. :( that okra looks awesome - i didn't grow any this year and i'm jealous.
