Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Five; kentucky gap falls -5 more states!

Day Five.

Tuesday started out with the abandonment of a stop in Breaks Interstate Park. This stop was mainly on the list as a whitewater rafting opportunity but as it turns out, they were not running this time of the year. At that point, Breaks lost its flare in our minds. Instead, we headed for Cumberland Gap National Historic Park which was about the same distance but closer to out next stop.

This day marked my first trip to Kentucky. Only 5 states left! After a heart 3 hour drive, we arrive in the park. It was not incredibly eventful but we did get a nice little hike in and went to Pinnacle Overlook which was nice. At the overlook, you park in Kentucky, walk into Virgina and look into Tennessee.
After a few hours in the Gap, Ashley and I headed about two hours away to Cumberland Falls State Park where we would stay the night. Cumberland Falls is a massive waterfall on the Cumberland River in south central Kentucky. The park is actually very nice and there were many trails to walk. Additionally, there were a few other falls worth seeing as well. We arrived in time to see the main falls before the sun went down.

A night walk through the park and an early bedtime at the campsite ended a relaxing day. We were at the midway point of our trip and this was a great place to be. We had a big day ahead.