Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunshine Award!

The Sunshine Award

I was recently received The Sunshine Award from Millie at Nuestra Cena-Vegan American & Latin Cuisine. She makes some amazing food and has become a great assent to my blog as well. She posts some great things like her Yautia Root and fried Plantains! Great stuff!

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blog world.

The rules for accepting this award are:
1. Copy & paste these rules on your blog so your award winners could follow.
2. Put the logo flower on your blog or within your post.
3. Pass the award onto twelve bloggers of your choice.
4. Link the nominees within your post.
5. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting about it on their blog.
6. On your blog post share the love and blog link of the person from whom you received this award.

I wanted to take a second to give my Sunshine Award to some of the bloggers that I am an avid follower.

Two Vegan Boys! I love to hear the tales of Aurthur and Adam and their food adventures! Friday pizza day is the best!

The Snowy Vegan. She has been a busy gal recently but I really enjoy the photos of Alaska. We even had some pizza when she was in Atlanta!

The Vegan Mouse. Always great good! She is a dodgers fan, but it can be forgiven as long as she hates the Yankees. :P

JayLeeCreations. She never posts. Sadly. However, it is Jamie's Blog! I honestly do not think I would have started my own blog if she had not started hers.

Abracapocus. Laura is a great cook here is Atlanta and is even opening a deli! She and I met at some of the local vegan meet up group events and it is always nice to see what she is up too.

Cupcake Punk. Formerly Atlanta resident, always has food that makes me jealous! So tasty and always has helpful Atlanta advice for me with the house.

Another Cup of Coffee. Not a foodie, but a former English professor of mine. She encouraged me to write and even suggested that I start a blog. Thanks!

Bittersweet. This blog makes me drool. Hands down the best food pics I have never seen. I can never get enough of this blog.

Finny Knits. This gal has sass. I love her writing style. She cracks me up regularly. Not vegan but still has some inspiring food.

Raspberry Swirl. This is the blog of Leigh. She runs Cosmo's Vegan Shoppe and is a great person to converse with at the local vegan meet ups!

Allotment 2 Kitchen. I enjoy gardening blogs as much as foodie blog and this one is tops on both. Great food and innovative gardening ideas.

Brooklyn Brine. An old punk rock buddy of mine has started a company and this is their blog! Great stuff and I hope to see his new bands soon.


  1. Thank you. You are awesome. We love your blog.

    Here is the Arthur guote of the day due to his allergies being so bad. "Mommy there is someone in my nose. His name is Mr. Booger." That made me laugh.

  2. Love it...congrats and keep up the great job you always do in the kitchen.

  3. Aw, thank you so much Vic, you're making me blush! :)

  4. Thank you for the huge complimennt Vic. I am honestly humbled. Thank you.

  5. Vic! You are still blogging! And I might add, very nicely!

    Your pictures are beautiful, as is the food. I could [almost] be a vegan, but I'm getting closer.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks for the blog-love!

