Saturday, June 19, 2010

One year anniversary!

Today is officially one year since I closed on my house. Many things changed in my life that day and it will be remembered as a huge landmark in my life. Buying my house is also what inspired me to pursue real estate. In the last year, my life has been occupied with the maintenance of the house and the pursuit of a career in real estate. I am expending much effort into both and I see in the long term, large potential for big payoff and that much closer to the life I want for myself.

One of the area in the house that I am most happy with is the kitchen. I have lived in more places then I can recall and I have never been able to have a say in my kitchen until now. A kitchen that you enjoy makes all the difference when you love to cook.

One year ago

After 6 months work of construction and 6 more months of habitation, my house is mine. It is a part of me, an experiences that I will never forget and has changed my life. Only good things can come from this.

Watermelon Salad

5 cups of watermelon (cubed)
1 tablespoon of blueberries
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of mint leaves (chopped)
1 teaspoon of olive oil

After cubing the watermelon, chill for 30 minutes. In a bowl, combine the lemon juice and olive oil and stir well. Chop the mint leaves into small pieces. Once the watermelon is chilled, add the mint and mix well. Then add the lemon juice and olive oil and mix again. Pour blueberries over the top and serve.

Watermelon has long been one of my favorite foods. From eating slices at the beach with my mum as a child, to having my partner in Denver cut up large bowls on cubed watermelon for dinner, or taking bowls to work each day. I have rarely eaten my watermelons with anything but themselves, until today, after all, this is a day of historical change. This is a very light a refreshing take of a fruit salad in the summer months and I was even able to use the mint from my garden!


  1. I just happened on your blog by accident. I'm not vegan but I do fall pretty close to "vegetarian". Your blog is a terrific resource with some great recipes. If I come across something vegan(ish) in my grandmother's recipe box I'll share it. Thanks, David

  2. lovely, I love it...your kitchen now is very modern and very classy...great job.

  3. How wonderful! I think I remember when you moved in. Was it really a year ago? Gosh time just flies...

    Congrats on your accomplishments! One day I'd like to have my own home.

  4. Watermelon is my favorite food too! So fresh and good--I swear I could live off of it in the summer :-)

    Your new kitchen is gorgeous--wow. Well done!

    Just FYI, you wrote that "Today is officially one day since I closed on my house." I am assuming you meant "one year" given your blog post title :-)


  5. Fresh watermelon is easily one of my favorite treats of the season... Add in a tiny splash of lemon juice and a pinch a mint sound like lovely finishing touches!
