Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day Off!

My vacation starts in less then two weeks! It looks like Ashley and I are going to drive to Kentucky's Mammoth cave and then Shenandoah Nation Park in Virgina. It should be a great 10 day trip.

Yesterday, Ashley and I went thrifting but really came up short. We just got all uncomfortably hot riding my my no-AC car and found nothing of excitement. For lunch she wanted veggie burgers and fries, so I decided to whip up some veggie burgers from scratch and make some nice fries to go with them. The burgers did not come out exactly like I wanted so I will keep trying and share a recipe when there is one worth sharing.

Until then, I want to share the best lemon-aid I have ever had. Today was so hot and muggy, it was certainly a lemon-aid day in the dirty south!

Watermelon Lemon-aid

9 lemons
3 cups of watermelon
2 1/2 cups of sugar

In a blender, puree the watermelon until liquefied. In the meantime, squeeze the juice from the 9 lemons. With a juicer this is a simple task. I have a hand juicer and it only take about 10 minutes for all the lemons. Take all the lemon juice and pour it into a pitcher. Add the watermelon juice and sugar. Stir with a large spoon for about 2 minutes and then chill for 1 hour.


  1. Your upcoming holiday sounds great! Killer veggie burger and that watermelon-lemonade looks so refreshing.

  2. Oh, I seriously love watermelon! It's practically drinkable as is, so the addition of some lemon would be a lovely way to brighten up the flavor. :)

  3. Roadtrips are the best. I hope you have fun.

    We are growing watermelon in our garden. I will be making this lemonade Thanks.

  4. I don't LOVE eating watermelon (or any watery produce for that matter, water chestnuts, celery, etc), but I think I would actually like to drink it! When I get watermelon in my CSA bag I'm totally going to try this.

  5. That watermelon lemonade looks so refreshing!

    Your vacation sounds lovely!

  6. What a scrumptious sandwish!!!!
    Fabulous...have a great time off work.
