Saturday, April 24, 2010

Two long days.

Yesterday, I was making some lunch before work and thought it would be smart to make something extra to take with me. I seem to get hungry at some point during a 12 hour shift. I was going to whip up some creamy mashed potatoes to have with lunch and take to work for dinner. As I was boiling the potatoes, I realized that I did not have any soymilk. On a whim, I decided to throw together some country comforting potato salad. It was great, easy and very much like my nana used to make. Summer comfort foods are great, it was perfect.

Country Potato Salad

3 med red potatoes (cubed)
2 1/2 cups of water
1 cup of vegan mayonnaise1/2 cup of peas
1 tablespoon of onions (chopped)
2 teaspoon of paprika
1 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of dill
1 teaspoon of celery seeds
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
1/2 teaspoon of salt

In a pot, bring the water to a boil on med - heat. Once the water is boiling, add the potatoes and allow to boil for 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender but still slightly firm. If you over cook the potatoes they will turn to much when you try to assemble the salad. Once the potatoes are done, strain and chill until they are not longer even warm.
In a large bowl, combine all other ingredients other than the peas and mix well. Once The potatoes are cool, gently mix them into the vegan mayonnaise mixture until the potatoes are coated. Then gently mix in the peas until coated. Serve cold.

After a long night at work I came home to see Tato had come for the weekend and Ashley surprised me with some black and white cookies! Then I went right to sleep. A long two days at work ended nicely.


  1. Looks great! I love cooking and making things ahead to have on hand like that ;-)

    But you know, you can have mashed potatoes without soy milk, lol :-) You could have just used the cooking water from the potatoes, vegetable broth, or even some water and some of the mayo you used in the potato salad to make them more creamy while mashing/whipping!


  2. lovely! i love the addition of peas - i never put them in my potato salad!
