Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loose meat and a new mixer

Sometimes my life seems like bizarre-o world. I work close to 5 shifts between Friday and Sunday and then still have another work day ahead in Monday. I then unconventionally, have two week days off. I enjoy my days off and opt to work long hours to attian more free days so I am not really complaining. Sometimes it just feels strange to dread the weekends as my friends are looking forward to them.

On my first of two days off this week I got some random house work done. Then, Ashley and I made a late lunch. She is very much an "eat the same thing each time" kinda gal which does not bode well for blogging new recipes to the faithful. However she can generally be swayed to venture out with the promise of chicpea chicken salad this summer.

For lunch she and I made, salad with a hodge-podge type dressing. I just kept throwing thing in until I decided it tasted good. I honestly have no idea what I put in it, I know there was fresh basil from my garden, dijon mustard, vegan mayo, red wine vinegar, I was all over the map. We coupled it with a household staple, rosemary fries. and i tore up some very simple sloppy joes!

Sloppy Joes
2 cloves of garlic (chopped)
8 oz of tomato sauce1 cup of vegetable broth
2 cups of TVP
1 tablespoon of oil
1 tablespoon of onion (chopped)
1 tablespoon of oregano
1 tablespoon of thyme
1 tablespoon of vegan sour cream
1 teaspoon of jalapeno pepper (chopped)
1 teaspoon of salt1 teaspoon of fresh basil
1/5 teaspoon of sugar (very little)

In a pot, bring the broth to a simmer and add the TVP, remove from the heat stir vigorously and cover. Let stand for 10 minutes. TVP should be tender but not mushy.

Meanwhile, heat the oil on med-low heat in a saute pan. Once the oil it hot, add the garlic, jalapeno pepper, and onion. Stir and let cook for 5 minutes or until the onions are translucent. Add the tomato sauce and bring almost to a simmer. Add the very tiniest bit of sugar to cut some of the acid out of the tomato sauce. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Once the tomato mixture is warm, add the TVP and stir gently.

This comes out fairly thick but that is the way I like my sloppy joes. More joe than slop I suppose. They were a tasty summer lunch. Honestly, they kind of reminded me of the loose meat sandwiches on the 90s TV show Roseanne.

On my Saturday adventures with Jamie I picked up a mixer. I got my opportunity to use to today while making a cake. It was great!


  1. Textured Vegetable Protein. It is dehydrate soy.

  2. we usually use lentils when making sloppy joes, but i think i'm gonna have to follow your lead with trying out tvp next time. the lentils are good, but they require a lot of sauce so that they don't taste overly lentily. i love that you've got jalapenos in your sauce, and basil too. oooh, i've gotta try your recipe! we always use ketchup instead of tomato sauce - i think i'm gonna try the sauce next time as well. also, hoooooray for a new mixer!!! i bet that makes combining baked good ingredients sooo much easier and combines more thoroughly, too. so awesome!

  3. I often have to work on Saturdays when everybody else has a free day. I think I'm going to make those sloppy Joe's after my next Saturday shift.
