Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I think we skipped spring..."

Two days off generally results in almost a weeks worth of recipes and random posts. These past two days were slightly less eventful. Yesterday was a relaxing afternoon of occasional napping and catching up on some emails. Then I met Jamie for a picnic in the park. It was a very warm day and Jamie has summed up the recent Atlanta weather quite well. "I think we skipped spring this year and went straight to summer." I agree. It has been well into the 80's in the past few days. I miss spring. The only inclination that we are in the Atlanta spring is the incessant pollen.

Today, Ashley and I had a plan to go hiking. Sadly, there was a miscommunication and we did not go. We did however, make food! She has been asking me to make her some hummus for months. I finally came through. Everyone has their own hummus recipe and it is extremely simple to make but it seems that day in and day out, I find that people who are not avid cookers nor vegan read this blog. For them, I will drop this monster recipe on you.

Cilantro Hummus

3 cloves of garlic (chopped)
12 oz cooked chic peas
1/3 cup of olive oil
1 tablespoon of cilantro (chopped)
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of tahini
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1/2 teaspoon paprika

Pour all ingredients into a food processor and puree until smooth. You will need to scrape the sides of the food processor to keep it blending. Garnish with a cilantro leaf and additional olive oil.

We heated the pita bread in the oven and dipped in into the olive oil then scooped the hummus. It was a delicious afternoon snack.


  1. I think we skipped spring here, too. It has been in the upper 90s all week. At least the humidity hasn't set in yet. For the next 6 months or so the average will be 120F+ with 99% humidity. I guess my Summer hibernation is starting early this year.

    YUM! Hummus is always a great snack and I love the addition of cilantro, such a bright, beautiful flavor. Gorgeous photo!

  2. i'm always up for a fantastical hummus recipe! never thought to use cilantro in hummus and i think it's a delicious idea. sadface on not getting a hike in, but making tasty eats rocks just as hard. it's been high 80's and even low 90's here as well - i can't wait for tomorrow when the spring weather returns with those cooler temperatures. it's even supposed to rain tonight - and thank goodness 'cause we're living under a blanket of yellow pollen. ugh.

  3. Cilantro hummus?! That looks great - and it sounds like Ashley has pretty good taste if she's been asking you to make it for her for months :)
