Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Two days off! I am pumped! I hope to get some house stuff done and some solid cooking. Today was scheduled to be a light work day. Just a few hours, but most of the day was mine to do with what I pleased. However, as I was brushing my teeth my boss called and asked if I wanted to turn my light work day into a double shift. I decided I could use the money and took the overtime. Off to work my spontaneous double shift.

Work has been consuming many of my hours recently. I just got home and settled in and it is 2:30am. Oh well, I guess that extra money will come in handy as I continue to do work on the house. More money, more paint.

I painted my dining room this weekend. I really like the colors. It came out great. I am not sure what I will get done next but hopefully it will be as rewarding as painting.

On the 3rd, I turn 30. Ouch. I am not sure any good can come of this event. I am overwhelmed. The salad days are gone.


  1. The dining room looks wonderful...I don't know what it looked like beforehand, but it looks great. And I feel your pain when it comes to turning another year older, I'm right behind you.

  2. Hi
    First time here, stumbled down from the other blogroll...nice space..loke the colour of your dining room...looks really good!!

    cheers and do visit me whenever you can..

  3. hey the dining room looks GREAT love the two tone colors and of course the light!!


  4. Hey Vic! Thanks for visiting my blog. I've checked out your meals you've made and they all look fantastic!

    Your dining room looks great! We have a good friend that lives near Atlanta and the homes their are very charming.
