Sunday, February 14, 2010

Serving up art

In the middle of my visit with my dad, he and I stopped to see Jamie putting the finishing touches on her art display. It is really quite a site. The artwork is amazing and he put a lot of herself into it. I am so proud of her. Each piece looks outstanding on its own as well as on the wall. She did a great job! If you are in the Atlanta area, please stop by her show on the 26th of Feb. If you are not, take a look at a few things here. These pictures do not do the artwork justice. You should come by and see them for yourself.

Do not forget to come out to the show!

Ashley did an excellent job pulling all of this event together as well. She has to jump through many hoops to be able to host the event and it will all pay off in the end!


  1. those are some amazing pieces!! too bad i won't get to see it :(

  2. Awesome pieces--I hope the show goes well!

  3. Wow. So talented.

    By the way, your name was drawn for my Pay It Forward.
