Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Huge Success!

I can confidently say that I expected this night to go well but never did I anticipate it turning out as great as it did. Jamie's art show was a huge success. She had about 30 visitors from all over the state, family, friends, walk-ins, and much more. I am so proud of her! She put together a dozen or so necklaces, rings, earrings, and other jewelry for some "quick sales" and it worked! The feedback was outstanding and she impressed a lot of people. I can not wait for more shows like this. The support was amazing! I am so happy that all of her hard work and effort paid off and she had a great night!

Huge thanks to Ashley for putting this together as well. It would not have happened without her. Great people, great conversation and some momentum for more events like this. The following are some of the pictures from the night.


  1. Well done Jamie! I'm sorry that we couldn't make it out, but I am glad to hear the evening went so well.

  2. That's so awesome. Congrats to Jamie! By the way, I love her blouse.
