Friday, February 19, 2010

Here we go!

Since my dad flew back to Maine, I have been living at work. I worked to back to back double shifts and am about to leave for another 12 hour shift. The though of fun meal ideas have been replaced by daydreams of my bed and a comforting horror film. I had a few hours before work today and planed on making a stir fry until I realized that all my veggies went bad. It was a sad state of affairs. On the fly I threw together an old classic, super simple dish I have made for years.

Bar B Que Chic Peas

1 clove of garlic
16 oz of chic peas
1/2 cup of Bar B Que sauce
1 tablespoon of oil
1 teaspoon of hot sauce

In a pot, bring the oil to a near smoking point on med heat. Add the garlic and chic peas and allow to cook until the chic peas begin to pop. This should take about 10 minutes. Add the hot sauce and Bar B Que sauce, cover, reduce heat to low. Allow to simmer slightly for about 5 minutes. Be careful not to scorch the sauce. Serve hot.

This is a delicious and super simple recipe to add to the list of easy 20 minute or less meals I am working on.

Tomorrow is a day off and I am pumped. Although I could get some housework done, I am open to having just a nice relaxing day. Jamie will be over for dinner and I have some big plans for a great meal. I have been reading The Conscious Cook that my mum got me and it is outstanding! A plethora of great meal ideas that are very innovative and thought provoking. I may actually follow a recipe for once.

I am determined to get some great things done around the house this week with the new tools (mentally and physically) that I got when my dad was here. I have grand ideas and the resolve to follow through.

On a side note, I am very excited about Jamie's art show. It is only a week away. I hope to see some of you there! Work is, there will be some yummy vegan treats made by Ashley. I can not wait!


  1. BBQ chickpeas now that is a new one on me.

    I made your roasted paprika sprouts recently and they were really good. These are next!

  2. The chickpeas look delicious. Sorry you have been working so much.

  3. Ever tried to roast them? I love roasted chickpeas with BBQ like spices, especially smoked paprika.
