Sunday, February 7, 2010

Channa Masala again?

Potluck! Jamie and I attended our first potluck of the year the other day. It was a good time and we met a few new people. It is really nice to be able to eat anything on the table. There was some great stuff there as well. Jelly donuts, "pork" meatballs, lasagna, a great red cabbage dish, and a very under the radar cranberry loaf. Jamie and I brought the Strawberry Lemon Cheesecake and a huge pot of Channa Masala. I have decided to post the Channa Masala recipe, just not today. The recipe might be a bit skewed since we made so much.

After eat too much and chatting for a bit we took our leave. We tapped out a bit early since we had a few other things on the agenda, not to mention a kitchen to clean. I really am looking forward to having potlucks at my house. I need to get some paint on the walls first.

Friday my dad comes to visit! I am super excited. I am not sure what it is we are going to to yet but we will have a lot of fun!


  1. Hey, I wouldn't mind eating this over and over again, it's one of my favorites I don't think it would ever get old.

  2. Wow!!! Chana masala looks so tempting.

  3. Really gorgeous shot -- chana masala is always a hit!
