Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Black Bean and Corn Soup

I feel like I have been neglecting the recipe portion of this blog recently. It is so difficult to motivate myself to cook for one. Additionally, it seems like more and more that my work schedule is not compatible with the people I would generally want to cook for. I need some motivation.
Today was a rare day that I did not need to work until the evening and Ashley had the day off with no plans. I almost had to beg, but she finally came over to cook with me (and give me someone to cook for). She took up one half of the kitchen and I took the other. It was a little strange at first but fun nonetheless. I made some spicy black bean soup. I was shocked the other day when I realized that I had yet to post this recipe that I had been making on occasion for about two years.

Black Bean and Corn Soup

4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
25 oz of black beans
1 cup of vegetable broth
3/4 cup of corn
1/3 cup of onion (chopped)1 tablespoon of jalapeno pepper (chopped)
1 tablespoon of cilantro (chopped)
1 tablespoon of cumin
1 tablespoon of oil
2 teaspoons of soy sauce
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
In a pot, heat the oil on med - low heat. Allow the oil to get about half way heated before adding the garlic and onion. Stir frequently and allow to cook for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add the jalapeno pepper and half of your cumin. Stir often and allow to cook until the onions are tender. This should take about 5-8 minutes. In the meantime, strain and wash you black beans. Once the onion is tender, add the black beans and gently stir for about 30 seconds. Add the vegetable broth, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, and salt and increase the heat again to med - low. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Once the soup is at a simmer add the cilantro and corn. Remove from heat, cover and let set for about 5-10 minutes. The corn will be soft to the touch. Garnish with more cilantro and serve.

I had a little of this leftover and brought it to work. I decided to share it with my friend Myrna and she loved it! That made me happy.

Vegan baked goods are something I have mentioned struggling with here before. Luckily, Ashley has taken to making them! While I was busy making us some soup for lunch, she was making cinnamon rolls! She left the whole pan here...I wonder if she knows? Well, I will be nice and wash the pan before I give it back tomorrow. I guess I know what my midnight snack will be tonight!


  1. your black bean soup looks and sounds spicy and delicious!

    Oh, your midnight snack looks so yummy! I'm jealous:)

  2. i'm so jealous of your rock'n soup and those cinnamon rolls! i need to make your soup, fo 'sho! we always have corn in the freezer, and we have a bag full of veggie scraps that i need to use to make some veggie broth/stock. i know what i'll be using some of it for now. thanks!

  3. mmm mouthwatering bowl of Soup!!!! And your midnight snack is simply wow:)

  4. I love black bean soup, and combining it with corn is ALWAYS a good thing. Looks delicious!

    But I am totally drooling over those cinnamon rolls. Best things ever!
