Thursday, December 24, 2009

Yard work can be fun

Not much new to report. Tato is visiting me again while Jamie is with her family. I really enjoy having him here. This will be a long week for me at work so the posts may be lacking. I need the money so I will be grateful I worked so many hours when I get paid.
The other day I made a decent lunch. Red Quinoa with veggies and pistachios. It was mild in flavor but a nice light lunch. Sometimes it is nice to have a break from the heavy flavors that I generally use.
The house is coming along well. One of the things I am really excited for is landscaping. There is not much I can do right now, weather, money and time are all limiting. However, the yard has been cleaned up and it looks great! I think at some point I am going to post some before and after type photos of the house. Might be fun?


  1. The pistachios look perfect in that bowl! And good luck with the yard work!

  2. I love the colours on your plate. So fresh.

  3. Oh, that dish sounds so simple and perfect, exactly what we need in this hectic season!

    Hope you have a very happy holiday. :)

  4. That quinoa dish looks and sounds so good. You're so right that yard work can be fun. I've abandoned my yard for quite a long time, you've now inspired me to do something with it. Good luck with yours.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  5. Wow. Tato is quite the prince of the shelf. Merry Christmas!

