Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spring Rolls and Miso Soup

Too long between posts, I know. It has been very chaotic right now with the moving in and finishing the house construction. Big busy things.

Jamie's birthday was the 12th and she spend the weekend in Florida. Tato spend the weekend with me! He was very skittish around the house but settled in after a day or two. Finicky kitty.

Monday night Jamie came to get him and I made us some dinner. I have been toying with the idea of spring rolls for months now. It has weighed heavy on my mind but seemed daunting and easy to mess up. I read a few blog posts that explained it as very easy. Their rolls looks gorgeous and packed full of nice foods. Easy and simple? Not quite. I tried my hand at them and although they were tasty they were not as aesthetically pleasing as I had hope. I guess practice make perfect.

In mine I used some tofu, mushrooms, carrots, cilantro, lime, basil, and red cabbage. As I said, they were yummy but I will hold off again on posting a recipe until I have gotten a little better. It made for a nice meal along with some mild miso soup and peanut dipping sauce. Overall it was a success.
Miso soup is a nice easy soup to make. It is tasty and filling and extremely low maintenance. Jamie picked some miso paste up and made some herself. Hers looks better than mine!


  1. sounds fun. hers look better THAN yours :P yep, a grammar jerk, that's me...

  2. I am impressed! I've been wanting to make spring rolls forever but have been way too intimidated. And I think both soups look great!

  3. rice paper can be squirrelly to work with, but it's pretty forgiving. once you get the right amount of stuffing, they'll look really nice.

  4. Your spring rolls look great--I don't think you need too much more practice!
