Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I had a visitor!

It has been a busy time getting moved in an unpacked. The cupboards are kind of a mess so it has been difficult to feel like I want to put the kitchen away. Of course, this also means that cooking has been on the back burner, so to speak.

My front door is being installed today. Great stuff! I like it, it lets in light while maintaining privacy. I do not get a day off until Sunday. I presume that is the punishment for taking a weekend to move. I guess it will be plug along as I get through the week.

Sunday night while Jamie and I were putting the curtains and lights together, I had a visitor! I was so happy, even thought the poor guy got sick that night from some food I gave him. He will be with me Wed night through Sun night while Jamie is away for her birthday. I am looking forward to him sitting on my lap while I write a blog.

Tato found a giant cricket!
Tato annoyed that I was taking his picture!

Tato sleeping in my new rocking chair!

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