Monday, October 12, 2009

Where are the warriors today?

Yesterday both Jamie and I had the day off. We headed to North Georgia to visit a farm and maybe go to the Ellijay Apple Festival. We ended up at a farm that was less than eventful. The upside is that it had an amazing flower garden with all sorts of butterflies. It was pretty impressive and I wish I taken a few photos. As we were leaving the parking lot, we got a glimpse of North Georgia life.
Off to the apple festival. We went last year so we knew what to expect. It is not great but there is a bread stand that has great frosted vegan breads. Yum. Jamie got 3 loaves. We ate samples of apple sauce, apple bar b que sauce, and apple cider. The cider was so good. Very sweet.

A few weeks ago, Jamie came home from a family visit in Florida where her cousins Heather and Peter were. Somehow she left with a squash! I won't ask any questions when great food appears in my house. We cooked it up very simply and it was outstanding. Growing up I loved the flavor of squash. Nice and sweet with a hint of the nutty.I also cooked some tempeh and made a salad. There is a spot here in Atlanta that has the best salad dressing in the world. No joke. Amazing. I have been trying to figure out how they make it for awhile. Last night I came pretty damn close. I have a few more adjustments and then I will out their recipe! You will not be dissappointed.
I also used the last of the apples we picked for a nice dessert. Baked apples. Not only have I never baked an apple before but I have never eaten a baked apple. I think I may have over cooked it but it was delicious regardless. I made a nice syrup sauce to go with it as well.
Tomorrow, my mother is coming to visit. She will be the first in my family to see my house. I am excited. She will only be here for 2 days but it will be a nice visit. I like to have company.

My dad starts his new job tomorrow. So many big things on the horizon. I hope they go smoother then the have recently. Fingers crossed.


  1. haha, you have to be talking about soul vegetarian's prince dressing. i haven't even tried to crack it in case i start drinking it by the glassful. ;-)

  2. Baked apples are so delicious!

  3. Your food always looks so good! I wish I had a place to go a pick apples. I hope you have a good time visiting with your mom, and my fingers are crossed for you!

  4. our apple fests here are also sort of boring. but i go b/c there is a guy (if you can find him) that sell totally natural apples - no pesticides, nothing. i always hunt him down so i can buy enough to make apple butter. otherwise, the festival is a wash. :)

  5. I LOVE apple cider, I always get mine from Trader Joe's.

    I'm so impressed with all the yummy food you created, can't wait for your salad dressing recipe! :)

  6. I would kill for some of that Prince dressing! I'm in Canada and we have no Soul Veg here. :(
