Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tato and his Treats!

Tato loves his black beans. We give him these as his treats when he is good, which is rare.


  1. super adorable! i should try giving these to my one cat that likes treats. she goes bonkers for cat treats, and she puts her paws up and wraps them around your hand just like your tato does! so cute

  2. SO CUTE! Your kitty is absolutely adorable. I seriously doubt my cat would eat black beans, she prefers killing wildlife herself and dragging it into our house. Unfortunately she didn't get the memo that we are vegan in this house!

    But my sweet dogs have several favorite vegan treats, tops of the list - baby carrots! They go crazy for those.

  3. So this is my favorite post ever.

  4. oh my goodness - Tato is the absolute handsomest man! awwwww!

  5. Cute!! Moe is weird, he loves mushrooms.

  6. This is to freakin' cute!


  7. Too cute!! I never would have thought that cats would eat, or like, black beans!
    Love seeing other bloggers pets, so thank you!

  8. So cute! I guess my cat is not the only one who is gaga for black beans. It's the only food he is even more excited about then his canned cat food (which he is pretty excited about- I even taught him to say "ma-ma" for it!) He also is nuts about sweet potatoes, winter squash, and pumpkin.
