Friday, October 2, 2009

Quick Update

I am not sure what the VeganMoFo is all about. I guess you just post as often as you can in the month of October? Well, I feel like I post as often as I can each month. Yesterday I quickly made a cake. It has been awhile since I have had a cake I the house and I tore it up!

I have my state real estate exam on Monday morning and work all weekend. Also, my Nero photo viewer will no longer read jpg files. I am trying to grab a copy of photo shop and see what I can do.


  1. mmmm......CAKE!

    what about gimp? it's free. a little weird to use with all those damn windows, but it works.

  2. i forgot to say congrats on passing your school real estate exam, and good luck on monday's exam! :) cake - ooooh, cake! sooooo sooooo delicious! vegan mofo is pretty much just posting as much as you can about all the gloriousness that is vegan food! it's fun & great to see so many people blogging about the vegan eatz, sharing stories & tips, and just having fun!

  3. The cake looks fantastic and that piece looks so yummy, mmmmm!!!

  4. That cake looks amazing! Which recipe and what kind of frosting? I have a birthday cake to make this week and this looks like a good candidate!

  5. Oreo cake, eh eh? Yums!

    The goal is to post every week day in October for Mofo...or 5x a week at least. It's kind of like marathon training for me, if I ran marathons. You know, where you amp everything up. :)
