Saturday, September 12, 2009

Apple Jubilee and Apple Muffins

Today, Jamie and I went to North Georgia to an Apple Jubilee. I am still not exactly sure what it was but we had a good time. There was U-Pick Apples, a bee/honey demonstration, a strange museum where they gave us a recipe for a pig brain omelet (no joke), a farm petting zoo, and a christian boy clog dancing. You can not beat that. In the gift hall, we found a apple pie pocket that happened to be vegan! Score! ...we bought four...

For dinner we made pizza and after, I had to use some of the great apples we picked to make apple muffins!

Apple Muffins

2 cups of diced apple
2 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of apple sauce
1/2 cup of soymilk
1/4 cup of margarine
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of ground cloves
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Pre-heat oven at 350 and place cup cake paper in the indentations in your muffin baking pan.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the diced apple, all liquid, apple sauce, and margarine. Stir vigorously until the margarine has "melted" into the mixture. Then add all other ingredients and mix well. The mixture should be sweet to the taste. Even distribute the batter into the muffin cups and bake for 30 minutes. Cool and remove from the cup cake paper.

we picked many apples

they knew i was not going to eat them


  1. Those muffins look delicious! And I love the photo of you with the goat!

  2. What a cute goat! I love festivals so much--where else could you pick apples *and* watch Christian clogging? Sounds great :) And the muffins look delish!

  3. Apple Festival. That is cool. And the baby goat is so cute. How can people eat baby animals, much less adults ones? Ugh. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


  4. Those muffins look very good...good job!

  5. i should venture otp more often and experience these crazy things.
