Wednesday, August 5, 2009

House Update and Food!

The other night, we made fried watercress potatoes and cilantro tofu. It was a nice and refreshing dish combined with an old favorite. Back when I lived in Portland, OR I used to makes fried watercress potatoes. It has been years since I have made this dish but it came out well and it matched the cilantro tofu well.

Watercress Potatoes

4 red potatoes (cubed)
1 cup of chopped watercress
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons of oil
2 teaspoons of ground black pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of paprika

Boil the potatoes until almost soft. (about 15-20 mins). In a skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the clove of garlic (finely chopped) and bring oil to a med - low heat. Add the boiled potatoes to the oil and garlic. Once the potatoes begin to get a golden color, add the remaining spices. At some point you may need to add the remaining oil as the potatoes can dry out. Add the watercress and cook for about 5 mins until watercress has wilted.

I went rock climbing for the first time on Monday. It was a lot of fun. I did fall once. It was from only about 8 feet up so I avoided most injuries. I got a scrap on my arm from the rock but otherwise I am good. I hope to go again.

The house is now officially under constructions. The crew began the demolition last week. There are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.


  1. Those potatoes sound delicious! I actually have some pea shoots hanging out in the fridge, waiting for inspiration, so I think I'll sub the watercress with them.

    Good luck with all the demolition/construction!

  2. I'm loving the watercress idea!

    Good luck with the renovation! It's always such a trying time but worth it in the end.

  3. i can't say i've ever had watercress before - and now i want to try it! your potatoes, tofu, 'n watercress looks super stellar! dan & i will have to give it a whirl! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    hooray for the renovations be'n underway! that rocks so hard! thanks for keep'n us updated - i love see'n transitions! w00t!
