Friday, June 19, 2009

Whose Life?

I was remodeling this blog the other day when I realized that I had not taken the time to introduce myself to the followers who do not know me personally. Let me borrow your time, briefly.

I grew up in Maine, until I was about 19 years old. I got into punk and hardcore at an early age (my 1st show was on my 11th birthday) and never looked back. Playing in bands and learning the ideals and rage from this culture really set the tone for my life. Protests, touring, record labels, all ensued. I was extremely active within the community. At the age of 18 I decided to become vegan, in fact, I will be vegan for 11 years next week. When I turned 19, I left Maine, cleansing myself of my comforts. My life-long friend helped me throw away the muppet-hide couch and everything else I owned. I was on a bus to Tulsa OK, where I spent Christmas, alone in a friends apartment while he was with family. From then, the tale gets long as I traveled for numerous months, finally landing in Amherst Mass.

Eventually I fell away from the music of punk but retain much of the culture. Now it is mainly socially relevant hip-hop and some post-punk stuff. Don't get my wrong, I still wail out to some hardcore now and again.

Two years later, I had lived in 6 different states all over the country. It was a hectic time that led me through Indiana, Colorado, Oregon, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, and Massachusetts. Lots of apartments and too much moving. After a year in Maine with my family I headed to Geogria. I have been here since 2004 and today... I BOUGHT A HOUSE!

My life has been full of changes but there have been many constants as well. It has brought me to where I am now and I see many more changes on the horizon.

I thought you might enjoy some of the growing up years....

And some recent food (the sausages are from Vegan Brunch)


  1. Nice intro. My husband was in the hardcore scene growing up in Boston. He was a skateboard kid and loved punk rock. He was also straight-edge in high school.

    The food looks so good. I need to get the vegan brunch cookbook.

  2. i loved reading more about you! hooray! and hooray for some punk rock, too! we live in richmond, va – and we love our punks here! w00t! so awesome on buying your home – and thanks for sharing all the fun photos (and glorious foodz) with us!

  3. I'll need to try the sausages. Glad you're enjoying Vegan Brunch!

    Nice beverage hat.

    Congratulations on the house!

  4. 11 years--rock on! And that BBQ tofu looking thing looks super tasty!

  5. You were at the ATL Vegan Bake Sale yesterday, right? You probably didn't recognize me because we met about 2 years ago, and I was about 100lbs heavier. Anyone, just wanted to say hey!

  6. Yeah, I actually designed the flyer for the bake sale, and contributed some baked goods - coconut lime cupcakes, twinkies, and white chocolate chip macadamia cookies. Did you get to try any of those?

    I thought I recognized you, but I didn't wanna make an ass out of myself, so I didn't say anything. We can blame that on my persistent shyness.

    I think I was pretty much a fledgling vegan when we met, but it's been 2.5 years now, and I love it! I also love baking, so when I heard about the bake sale, I HAD to participate.

    Life has been great. As I mentioned before, I've lost over 100lbs in the last couple of years, due in large part to my awesome diet. I've acquired quite a few more tattoos and piercings, chopped off my hair, and discovered the joys of thrift-store shopping. I rarely buy new clothes anymore.

    I don't remember if I had graduated college when we met, but I did that back in 2007. I worked as a graphic designer at an ad agency for a while, and hated it. Now I'm the in-house designer for a national home theater and appliance installation company. It doesn't sound that exciting, but I love it, mostly because I make all the design decisions now. I'm building up my freelance work quite a bit too. You can check out my site at In fact, a local vegan cookbook author just asked me to design a website for her. I'm pretty stoked!

    I live in Roswell in an apartment with my boyfriend, our two chinchillas, and our two rats. We're looking to buy a house in December. Congrats on your house!!! That's always an exciting step. I also volunteer every other Sunday at Good Mews cat shelter. I don't think my babies would appreciate a kitty in the apartment, too, so I can get my "fix" at the shelter.

    Anyway, feel free to e-mail me at to catch up! I'd love to hear what you've been up to.
