Friday, May 22, 2009

Lemon Pepper Tofu & Company

For the last two nights Jamie has had company over. Wed it was her brother, fresh off the plane from Iceland. He had pictures to share. I had food to cook. I made Lemon Pepper Tofu. It came out pretty good but the rice took an eternity to cook for some reason. This caused the vegetables to become overcooked. Sad. If you ignore the rice and dark looking veggies the meal looks really nice.It took quite some time to make so I do not recall the recipe. I bet I can make it again and I will report it then. It was a nice flavorful and spicy sauce cook with some tofu. I then made the remaining sauce into a reduction and a glaze-like sauce to spread over the top. I got to use Gugar Gum!

The next night Jamie had her friend Kelly over. She is getting married and they looked at her ring and talked about weddings. Classic stuff. I again made food. A simple Dhal Soup and Marsala was on Jamie's request. No pictures because it is something I have made and posted previously. Look it up.

Lots of work this weekend. Maybe Monday will bring something good.


  1. good name for an actual company?


  2. hooray for making lots of yummies for your guests! i'd love the recipe for your lemon pepper tofu once ya make it again! mmmmmmmm! it looks awesome. sorry the veggies were a bit overcooked because of the darn rice! i have totally done that before. i believe dan and i have eaten some seriously mushy asparagus on one or more occasion! ahahhahahaaa! you better believe i'm looking up your dhal soup and marsala - indian yummies are some of my favs!

  3. You should definitely share the recipe for your lemon pepper tofu!
    Don't you just love listening to girls talk about weddings? ;-)
