Friday, January 9, 2009

Another day, another meal

The last few days have been a bit stressful. My job is up in the air, school is starting again, we need to move, etc. It will all pass eventually and it will not be the end of the world, but regardless, it is still an annoyance.

On the other hand, I have been doing some cooking surprise there! The other night I made Acorn Squash stuffed with Quinoa and Veggies. It came out really well. Lots of fresh parsley. I also roasted some brussel sprouts as a side dish. As a side not - when I make stuffed squash I roast the squash halves in orange juice instead of water. It gives it a nice tart flavor wo combine with the normal sweet and nutty flavor of the squash.

Later that night I got bored after Top Chef. I threw together some cherry muffins. I had never made cherry muffins before and did not know what to expect. I think next time I will add a bit more sugar as I like my baked goods very sweet. Otherwise, this was very good. Lots of fun and a tasty treat to take on the run, something I am doing too much recently.

Last night I threw together some old school food. Put it all in the pot and cook it. This is your basic "Cook at the Veggies before they go Bad Soup" minus the soup. I took some of all the veggies I had in the house - brussel sprouts, potatos, zucchini, summer squash, garlic, onion, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Tossed in some al dente millet, veggie broth, tomato paste, and roasted on 400 until it looked yummy and the millet was done. Yum!

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