Saturday, December 13, 2008


Well, it has been an interesting few days. Thursday I went to pick our new roommate up at the airport. He is a 7 month old cat, that had been been living with my mother in Maine. She was looking for a new home for him and I thought it would be nice if he came to live with us. It was a birthday present (as much as you can give another living thing to someone) for Jamie. I made a scavenger hunt for her to find the cat. She was thrilled. The cat is a fun little guy. A bit to playful for my taste but, he is fairly mellow when I am around. He loves to sit on the computer desk while I play games.

I made a vegan red velvet cake for Jamie's birthday as well. It came out well, complimented by a nice vegan cream cheese frosting. The frosting was very easy but the cake was a bit unforgiving. One of the layers crumbled. I resembled the layer on the top of the cake and you cant even tell now. Woot for me? Overall it has been a nice week. Back to the grind tonight.

1 comment:

  1. The cake looks good! Congrats on your new kitty friend!
